Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Let's Get Started!

So…before we get started, I want to briefly go over how this will work. As I mentioned previously, I am committing myself to three blog entries a week. Each entry will be relatively short…similar to a daily devotional. I’ll be picking topics directly from Crazy Love, but will also be adding my own commentary. There will be a little homework. I’ll refer to this as THE PUSH. We’ll be working straight through the book, spending just a little time on the Preface, going all the way through Chapter 10. Today, we're going to start off easy!

PREFACE (Part 1 of 3)

This is how Francis Chan starts off Crazy Love:

“We all know something’s wrong. At first I thought it was just me. Then I stood before twenty thousand Christian college students and asked, ‘How many of you have read the New Testament and wondered if we in the church are missing it?” When almost every hand went up, I felt comforted. At least I’m not crazy.”

Take a minute to think about what he said. You may even need to read it again. What are your initial thoughts? When I first read these words, I felt this immediate sense of relief wash over me. For the past 15 months of my life, I honestly thought something was wrong with me. I consider myself to be an intelligent human being. I’m actively involved at church. My prayer life is pretty good…(but not as good as it should be). But despite all of this, I have felt little or no connection to God.

A few weeks ago, I started reading through Paul’s epistles, what I often do when I get discouraged. I love Paul! Think about it. He started out as one of Jesus’ biggest persecutors, only to end up living, and ultimately giving, his life as a sacrifice. When you read his letters, there is no doubt that Paul’s love for Jesus was profound and audacious. I want that for myself, for my children, for my husband, for all of us. But the question is how? How do we balance reverence, fear and passionate, consuming love? I understand the first two, but at this point, have a hard time wrapping my brain around the last one. But maybe that’s the problem…it’s a matter for the heart, not the brain!


I’m going easy on you today…just wait until the next one! One thing you will soon find out about me is that I LOVE MUSIC. I heard this song for the first time a few weeks ago and it truly sums up what I want from this challenge. It’s not the best video, but this clip has the lyrics. When you get a chance, take a listen. (More Like Falling in Love by Jason Gray) You might need to cut and paste the web address...


Have a Blessed Day~

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The 'Crazy Love' Experiment

“To just read the Bible, attend church, and avoid “big” sins-
is this passionate, wholehearted love for God?”
-François Fénelon, The Seeking Heart

At first glance, this seems a rather innocent question with an overtly conspicuous answer. But what I find so fascinating…and in all honesty, quite alarming….is the arguably overt disconnect between two mutually exclusive elements of the Christian faith.

I was recently loaned a copy of Francis Chan’s 2008 book Crazy Love: Overwhelmed By A Relentless God. Warned that it was one of those books that could cause acute discomfort, I was replete with anticipation. Anyone that has spent a considerable amount of time with me can testify to the fact that I welcome a challenge. My motto in life is that our greatest personal growth comes when we are the most uncomfortable. However, nothing could have prepared me for Mr. Chan’s assault on my existence as a Christian.

Of this I am certain: There is a God. His Son, Jesus, walked this Earth and preached His Word. Jesus was crucified on the cross and rose again on the third day. This is what I believe. My faith is based on this. But this belief, no matter how strongly I hold to it, speaks nothing to the relationship I have with my Creator. Francis Chan incessantly talks about loving God in such away that it profoundly changes who we are. As I finished the last page, I was left asking myself only one question. How can I truly love God in such a way that it changes who I am?

It’s easy to read a book and say, “Wow! That could revolutionize the world.” We might remember some of the talking points in conversation, but over time, we forget. We are eager to blame our busy schedules; however, I think, if we’re honest, it’s more about complacency...or blatant disobedience. Change is hard. But to continue living my life with this growing void is unbearably depressing.

So, are you up for a challenge? The ‘Crazy Love’ Experiment is about devoting the next year of my life to testing the theories laid out in the book…and I would definitely welcome the company. Each entry on this blog will focus on a concept found in the book and will include some thought provoking questions....and sometimes homework! I can only make this promise: You will undoubtedly experience some level of discomfort. But…it could change our lives!